You Are Being Followed



Infos complémentaires

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Date de sortie : 11/06/2021
Genre(s) : Aventure
Territoire(s) : FRANCE

88 joueurs possèdent ce jeu
14 trophées au total
0 trophée online
0 trophée caché

100% par : 12 joueurs (14 %)

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des joueurs

Pas de note
des 100%




Overheard every conversation along the way.

Overheard every conversation along the way.

What Remains of Wacky Winzeler

Witnessed the rise and fall of a sleazy air con empire. Forever banned in Mainland China.

Witnessed the rise and fall of a sleazy air con empire. Forever banned in Mainland China.


Remained at home for an extended period of time.

Remained at home for an extended period of time.

This is Nice

Took the time to appreciate the playground. If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.


Took the time to appreciate the playground. If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.

Went Home

Sought a path home on multiple occasions.

Sought a path home on multiple occasions.

Thomas, Not Alone

Insisted on hearing Thomas out.

Insisted on hearing Thomas out.

Hard to Follow

Reached the ending in record time.

Reached the ending in record time.

You Are Being Educated

Learned about the state of humanity... and "crowmanity."

Learned about the state of humanity... and "crowmanity."

Follow and be Damned

Met a most elusive Duke.

Met a most elusive Duke.

First Things First

Discovered a shocking tribute to PlayStationⓇFirst.

Discovered a shocking tribute to PlayStationⓇFirst.

Grave Story

Encountered a mysterious monument.

Encountered a mysterious monument.

High Roller

Pressed your luck in the casino for 77.7 seconds.

Pressed your luck in the casino for 77.7 seconds.


Charged boldly into the face of danger.


Charged boldly into the face of danger.

Height in the Woods

Climbed the highest peak in the forest.

Climbed the highest peak in the forest.