Our Church and Halloween RPG - Story One



Infos complémentaires

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Date de sortie : 13/06/2021
Genre(s) : Aventure, RPG, Indépendant
Territoire(s) : FRANCE

229 joueurs possèdent ce jeu
12 trophées au total
0 trophée online
0 trophée caché

Platiné par : 167 joueurs (73 %)

100% par : 167 joueurs (73 %)

Pas de note
des joueurs

Pas de note
des platineurs



You got all the trophies! Congratulations!

Awarded after earning all other trophies

Awarded after earning all other trophies

Complete the game

Complete the game

Complete the game

Complete the game in Challenge Mode

Complete the game in Challenge Mode

Complete the game in Challenge Mode

Complete the game in Challenge Mode without falling into a hole

Complete the game in Challenge Mode without falling into a hole

Complete the game in Challenge Mode without falling into a hole

Push the rocks in the correct order

Push the rocks in the correct order

Push the rocks in the correct order

Find and enter the hidden cave

Find and enter the hidden cave

Find and enter the hidden cave

We all make mistakes, right?

Fall into a hole in Challenge Mode

Fall into a hole in Challenge Mode

Find a mysterious rock

Find a mysterious rock

Find a mysterious rock

Find Amy in the cave

Find Amy in the cave

Find Amy in the cave

Complete the game within the target time

Complete the game within the target time

Complete the game within the target time

Complete the game in Challenge Mode within the target time

Complete the game in Challenge Mode within the target time

Complete the game in Challenge Mode within the target time

Complete the game in Challenge Mode without falling into a hole within the target time

Complete the game in Challenge Mode without falling into a hole within the target time

Complete the game in Challenge Mode without falling into a hole within the target time