


Infos complémentaires

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Date de sortie : 08/02/2012
Genre(s) : Action 
Territoire(s) : FRANCE

539 joueurs possèdent ce jeu
11 trophées au total
1 trophée online
0 trophée caché

100% par : 16 joueurs (3 %)

Note des joueurs :
3.1/5 - 12 notes

Note des 100% :
4.8/5 - 4 notes




You've put down a power holder.

You've put down a power holder.

Story Completed

You've completed the story mode.

You've completed the story mode.

No Guard

You've cleared a scene without any guard.

You've cleared a scene without any guard.

Counter Master

You've succeeded in all of the counter actions.

You've succeeded in all of the counter actions.

Ranking Debut

You've made a debut in our ranking.

You've made a debut in our ranking.

10,000 Kills

You've killed 10,000 enemies in total.

You've killed 10,000 enemies in total.

100 Chain

You've achieved a chain of 100.

You've achieved a chain of 100.

No Continue

You've completed the story mode on Normal difficulty without using a continue.

You've completed the story mode on Normal difficulty without using a continue.

All S Rank Completed

You've completed all scenes of the story mode on Normal difficulty at S rank.

You've completed all scenes of the story mode on Normal difficulty at S rank.

1 Kill Clear

You've cleared this scene by defeating the power holder exclusively.

You've cleared this scene by defeating the power holder exclusively.

No Repair

You've completed the story mode on Normal difficulty without repairing the Spirit Vessel or using a continue.

You've completed the story mode on Normal difficulty without repairing the Spirit Vessel or using a continue.

Accès rapide