No Heroes Allowed ! VR



Infos complémentaires

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Date de sortie : 17/10/2017
Genre(s) : Stratégie
Territoire(s) : FRANCE

18 joueurs possèdent ce jeu
28 trophées au total
0 trophée online
20 trophées cachés

Platiné par : 11 joueurs (61 %)

100% par : 11 joueurs (61 %)

Note des joueurs :
5/5 - 1 note

Note des platineurs :
5/5 - 1 note
No Secret Codes Allowed

No Secret Codes Allowed

Were you confused that the game started just like normal, even though you mashed L1 and R1 at the title screen? Did you try doing it faster, perhaps? Maybe try the pause screen, hmm? Ah, but I am glad that you're still dedicated to the challenge, my Lord - I mean, I ASSUME you didn't just look up how to get this trophy. Well, here it is. You can stop looking for secrets now, because there aren't any. There, there, Your Destructiveness - at least you have this commemorative trophy. Adieu!

11 joueurs possèdent ce trophée